Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Exonoriate Me, Then Forget About Me

You ever spend time in a Slovak prison? How about Bled Hall in St. Kittys?

Sorry I have been neglecting my Ebay duties, but I have spent the last 4 days in the big house. To make a long story short we have been manufacturing our knock-off lacrosse goodies in Bratislava, Slovakia. I was crossing the border with this week's inventory for and we were locked down by the Slovak border patrol. No, not for making knock off lacrosse equipment that we sell incredibly cheap.

It turns out we were in violation of a long held Slovak custom of all men sporting banana hammocks and cookie dusters.

Anyway, I traded a pair of STX Shogun goalie gloves for a baby blue marble bag, grew out a 'duster and took part in my first prison break.

All in the name of plucking. Viva Slovakia and keep your hands off the Gabcikovo dam! Muncha, you better take advantage of because your aren't getting free gear anymore.

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